The eWHALE project is funded by Biodiversa+ and unites researchers, industry partners and the public across Europe to implement a novel strategy for marine biodiversity monitoring. We produce marine biodiversity data from water samples collected close to whales. These contain trace amounts of DNA from the whale and every other species present. Their molecular analysis will reveal information on whale population structure as well as their prey.
In the eWHALE project, the water samples are taken during whale watching trips and research cruises. Since the boats of the commercial providers are out on the water almost every day and the sampling process is extremely cost- and time-efficient, a high-resolution marine biodiversity data-set is generated. By comparing our results to conventionally obtained data, we showcase the power of molecular methods applied to environmental samples.
Whale watching tour operators in the Azores, Italy, Ireland and Iceland are a vital part of eWHALE. Check out our commercial partners and book your tour now.
We sample environmental DNA of whales, sharks and their prey from water samples.
We analyze environmental DNA to improve our knowledge of whale and shark populations and their feeding ecology.
We strive to educate the public on the importance of marine biodiversity protection, whale ecology and environmental DNA based methods
consortium partners
commercial partners
total budget
Project days remaining